Welcome to the Howard County Bar Association! The mission of the Howard County Bar Association is to promote excellence in the practice of law and the administration of justice through service, education, advocacy and collegiality for the benefit of our community and our profession.
For our more than 350 member attorneys, we offer a number of monthly luncheon meetings, Continuing Legal Education seminars, our newsletter, The Barrister, a new lawyer welcome and orientation program, and as social events such as our crab feast, our annual holiday party, our spring judicial reception, our member golf outing and much more. We also offer our attorneys the opportunity to become involved with committees dealing with everything from practice concerns of young lawyers, substantive law committees such as our family, criminal, and estates and trusts sections, to community outreach and education. Many of our member attorneys perform numerous volunteer and pro bono services for those in need. Providing access to justice and service to the community are vital components of the Howard County Bar Association. Each year, we raise funds from member contributions for important community programs.
There is information about all of our programs contained within the pages of this website. We hope you will find this site both interesting and helpful. Please contact us with any questions or comments so we may continue to improve this site and to improve our service to both our members and the Howard County community.