
Howard County Bar Association Family Law Section Members

Sep 26, 2014

Dear Howard County Bar Association Family Law Section Members:

We hope you had a wonderful summer and are enjoying the first few days of Fall. We are excited about planning an upcoming year with informative breakfasts and presentations on some of the latest issues in family law. In that vein, we would like to gauge the interest of the members on the following programs/presentations:

1. Breakfast with the Judges. A breakfast with one or two of the Howard County Circuit Court Judges in November 2014 to discuss relevant family law issues and court procedure.

2. Breakfast with the Masters. A breakfast with one or two of the Howard County Circuit Court Famly Law Masters to discuss relevant family law issues and court procedure. This breakfast will either be in November or January 2015.

3. The Intersection of Family Law and Immigration Law. Presenter – Van Doan, Attorney at Law.

4. Maryland Rules Update. A discussion regarding the new Maryland Rules that will go into effect on October 1, 2014 and the impact of these Rules, including all of the new attorneys’ fees rules.

5. Not So Simple Issues in Divorce Taxation.

6. Divorcing Husbands, Wives and Businesses.

7. Family Law Tax Update – A discussion regarding the changed in tax law effecting Family Law practitioners.

8. Valuation of The Marital Business upon Divorce – What is Fair Market Value?

Please email Karen Amos at:, or Tracey L. Perrick at:, to let us know which programs you are interested in attending. It is important that you promptly respond if you are interested in attending to ensure there is enough space for everyone who wants to attend and we have enough time to plan for the presentation accordingly.


Karen Amos, Co-Chair, HCBA Family Law Section

Tracey L. Perrick, Co-Chair, HCBA Family Law Section