Board & Committees
- Bench Bar, Chair, Hon. Lisa Broten
- Community Outreach Committee, Chair, Kellie Lego
- Judicial Selection Committee, Chair, Alisa Cummins, Vice-Chair, David Zwanetz
- Social Committee, Chair, Kellie Lego
- Membership Committee, Chair, Ali Kalarestaghi
- Lawyer Referral Service Committee, Chair, OPEN
- Pro Bono Committee, Chair, Kevin Kelehan
Other Programs
- Lawyer Assistance Program, Chair, Mark Muffoletto
Board Officers
- Alisa G. Cummins, President
- Katie Haladay, President Elect
- Jason C. Ridgell, Treasurer
- Duane R. Demers, Secretary
- Thomas Mulinazzi, Past President
- Business Section, Chair, Kristen Lohmeyer
- Criminal Law Section, Co-Chairs, Bradley Shepherd and Lindsey Rennie
- Estates and Trusts Section, Co-Chair, Michael Joseck
- Family Law Section, Co-Chairs, Tracey Perrick and Lisa Pryor
- Real Property Section, Chair, Kim Stepanuk
- Young Lawyers Section, Chair, Tyler Brown and Justin M. Lake
Board Members at Large
- Tyler Brown
- Ethan T. Dellinger
- Opeyemi Glover
- Kellie N. Lego
- Tracy Miller
- Honorable Allison M. Sayers
Business Section
The Business Law Section
Criminal Law Section
The Criminal Committee is comprised of members of the Howard County Bar Association who have an interest in, or regularly practice, criminal law. The Committee is open to all HCBA members, including attorneys from the State’s Attorney’s Office for Howard County, the Office of the Public Defender, and the private bar. The members of the committee collaborate together to discuss relevant topics of criminal law and to plan events for the members of the bar. The goal of the Committee is to identify criminal law topics of interest for discussion at Committee meetings and for the purpose of promoting continuing education events.
Estates and Trusts Section
The Estates and Trusts Section of the Howard County Bar Association consists of a group of local estates and trusts attorneys who get together approximately once a quarter to discuss the changes in law and other unique issues that affect our practice area.
Family Law
The Family Law Section is an active section of the Howard County Bar. Each year, the committee organizes several seminars to address topics such as recent changes in family law, practice and trial tips for local practitioners, and to hear directly from the Howard County Bench. Both Judges and Magistrates have participated in recent seminars. The committee chairs solicit opinions from the members regarding topics of interest for the calendar year before choosing the subjects and speakers. The committee operates as a forum for communication between practitioners and the bench and provides a community for discussion and exploration of all aspects of family law.
Real Property Section
The Real Estate Section of the Howard County Bar Association focuses on real property law, including, but not limited to, legal issues arising out of eminent domain, foreclosure, land acquisition and development, land records, leasing, real estate financing, common interest ownership communities, title, and zoning. The Section strives to furnish meaningful support to its members to maintain and protect legal jurisprudence and the principles of real property law, as well as the professional development of the Howard County Bar Association in matters relating to real property law. The Section also serves as a forum for real estate lawyers to meet others who have similar interests.
Young Lawyers Section
A committee that is specifically targeted at servicing the needs of the young lawyers in Howard County. This committee holds seminars on relevant topics, creates fundraisers to benefit various foundations and causes, as well as helping to create a congenial atmosphere for young attorneys through several social events.